Friday, May 30, 2014

This week...

Still haven't haven't gotten Josh in at Stanford yet, but we were told it'd take a week or two.  This week Josh needed a lot of encouragement to do things he normally likes to do.  I'm not sure if it's another symptom of poor heart function, or if it's just end of the school year burn out.  His teacher is so good, she's very in-tune with his energy level, his temperament etc.  She keeps such a close eye on him I know I don't need to worry about him while he's at school, because she's so on top of it!  She's been such a blessing.  I swear, sometimes I think we ended up moving here simply because she was destine to be in his life, she's been such a positive influence on him, there are just no words to properly thank her.  This is the first year (of the 5 I've had kids in school) that I kinda don't want school to end...that's how much we love her!
Anyway, besides needing an extra nudge to do things, Josh has also held his chest and said it hurts several times this week.  It hasn't been too extreme, mostly seems to just irritate him, but it makes me more anxious to hear what the specialist at Stanford think.
As I said before, I'm going to do better about blogging so those of you we don't see much anymore can still know what's going on.

 Josh & Sammy with their best buddies:)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi Allison! I'm Heather and I wanted to know if you would be able to answer a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)