Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Heaven just got a little sweeter

Last night little Gracie returned to heaven. She was blessed to spend her short life with an amazing family who endlessly loves her & fought for her to the end. Their faith has been inspirational to watch and has surely uplifted many people. Please say a prayer for her parents & older siblings as they go through this difficult time. As her dad said; "Heaven just got better." I think he is right.
Read about her here.


Hetrick family said...

How heartbreaking, yet inspirational to read. I am blown away by the strength and faith that resonates from so many of the "heart blogs" on your site. We had been praying for Gracie since you listed the request on your blog. Seeing such a tiny baby on the life support machine literally took my breath away, and brought me to tears. My heart aches for her family, but I am happy for Little Gracie. Our prayers will now be for her siblings and parents.

OLIVIA said...

Your posting title couldn't have said it any better.